"The Transcription and Transmission of Georgian Liturgical Chant"
John A. Graham
Princeton University, 2015
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The dissertation includes a comprehensive investigation of the written and audio sources for the liturgical chant tradition of the Georgian Orthodox Church, both medieval and modern.
"This is one of the most outstanding dissertations in musicology it has been my pleasure to be involved with in my twenty years at Princeton. It is the first extensive English-language study and analysis of the polyphonic traditions of (what is now) the Republic of Georgia. The study is written by, arguably, a world-expert on the subject, a scholar who combines rigorous academic training in the musicology program at Princeton with thorough immersion in the musical practice, language, and culture of Georgia. It is hard to think of a more felicitous combination, and the result speaks volumes."
- Professor Rob Wegman (Princeton University)
Dissertation Committee and Readers:
Professor Rob Wegman (Princeton University). Wegman Reader Report
Professor Peter Jeffery (U. Notre Dame). Jeffery Reader Report
Professor Theodore Levin (Dartmouth College)